a first case of the Omicron variant detected in Loiret

A first case of the Omicron variant was detected in Loiret, at the Orléans Regional Hospital Center this Sunday, says the CHRO. This is a first in the department. This is a patient who went to the hospital on Wednesday for digestive surgery, tested on his arrival like all the other patients and it turns out that the sequencing of his test “there is no doubt” on the presence of the Omicron variant. He was hospitalized without symptoms.

About 7% of tests performed show the Omicron variant

Since Wednesday, all the tests sent to the Institut Pasteur in Paris (nearly 600) have come back with not very reassuring news. About 7% of them “do not doubt” no longer on the presence of the Omicron variant assures Professor Thierry Prazuck, head of the infectious diseases department at the CHR d’Orléans, joined by France Bleu Orléans. The final results will arrive very quickly but they should confirm the suspicions of the doctors.

This Sunday, figures from the Center-Val de Loire Regional Health Agency in support, 20 patients are in intensive care in Orléans of the 49 in the department. “Resuscitation is saturated today”, recalls Dr Prazuck. Of these 20 patients, two thirds are unvaccinated and the last third is vaccinated. “According to the APHP (Paris hospitals), about 30% of people in intensive care and vaccinated are in fact unvaccinated, it is aberrant”, underlines the head of the infectious diseases department at the CHR d’Orléans, while the end-of-year celebrations are coming and the Omicron variant is more contagious than the Delta variant.

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According to figures from Public Health France, “in France, as of December 16 at 4:00 p.m., the Omicron variant has been detected in 310 people in several regions”, the first case has just appeared with us and could not be the only one.

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