A first Canadian ambassador to China

(Ottawa) The Canadian Embassy in China will soon have a new tenant: the Trudeau government has handed over the keys to a career diplomat, Jennifer May, who will be the first woman to hold this key position. Once her suitcases have been put down, she intends to visit Xinjiang, to see with her own eyes how the Uyghurs are treated there.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

Holder of a degree from Université Laval, speaking impeccable French, the diplomat has more than three decades of experience in Canadian missions in Hong Kong, Thailand, Germany, Brazil, and China.

The one whose profile differs markedly from that of Justin Trudeau’s last two choices for this assignment – John McCallum, former Liberal minister, and Dominic Barton, ex-consultant at McKinsey – hopes to arrive in Beijing “as soon as possible”, she says. in interview.

I arrive with my eyes wide open. We are not in the same situation as three or four years ago. We had a very difficult experience [avec l’emprisonnement des deux Michael]. What I seek is a direct, clear and frank dialogue with China on all issues.

Jennifer May, Designated Ambassador of Canada to China

Issues like human rights in Xinjiang, where Jennifer May plans to go.

“It’s part of my plans,” she says.

“I was responsible for human rights files when I was in China between 2000 and 2004. I traveled to Tibet and all over the country, but unfortunately I did not have the chance to go at that time, ”continues the diplomat, who also speaks Mandarin.

The House of Commons passed a Conservative motion in February 2021 that recognized the existence of a genocide against the Uyghurs, but members of the Trudeau cabinet had all abstained.

In early September, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, released a report accusing Beijing of “serious human rights violations” and even “crimes against humanity”. place of this minority.

“It is a fundamental report. As Ambassador to China, I will continue to try to counter these actions […] and continue measures such as the prohibition on imports of products that come from forced labor,” comments Ms.me May.

Tight relationships

The disputes over the Sino-Canadian relationship have been legion in recent years. The Trudeau government wanted to get closer to the Middle Kingdom when it came to power in 2015, even going so far as to lay the foundations for a free trade agreement, but nothing materialized.

The Meng Wanzhou case, arrested in Canada at the behest of the United States, poisoned that relationship, led to the arbitrary arrests of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, and trade sanctions against canola and beef imports.

Recently, Ottawa blocked access to Huawei for the deployment of the 5G network.

The Chinese government was not happy about it.

“It will also be up to them to decide [quelle sera la relation]. But we will dispute when it is necessary to do it […] But, also, we will cooperate, in the environmental sector for example, which is essential, and I believe that the Chinese will seek to collaborate on this with us, ”supports Jennifer May.

Indo-Pacific Strategy

The ambassador-designate arrives as Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Mélanie Joly, is working on Canada’s highly anticipated Indo-Pacific strategy, which should be known by the end of the year, according to our information. .

“It is clear that China, which is the largest country in Asia, will have a key position in the strategy. Not just because of that, but because it is a key partner for other countries in the region,” she notes.

There are obviously other files that will pile up on the desk of the designated ambassador, including that of the disputes between China in Taiwan. On this subject, Canada’s position has not changed: we want a de-escalation.

With the collaboration of Joël-Denis Bellavance, The Press

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