a fire largely destroys a house in the city center

Early this Saturday morning, around 7 a.m., a fire broke out in a pavilion in Vaiges, east of the department. The 140 square meter house is in the city center, . Much of the house was destroyed by the flames.

No one was inside during the accident. The couple who live there were on the weekend at the time, according to the mayor. They returned very quickly in the morning. The damage is fortunately only material.

The firefighters stayed all morning to try to put out the fire, from which a lot of smoke was emerging. 29 firefighters, as well as three lances of their own, had to be sent to the scene so important was the fire. The fire was brought under control around 12:30 p.m.

According to the mayor, the couple has already been accommodated by a resident of the city. A call for donationss will be launched in the village to try to help them.

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