A fire destroys several hundred bales of hay in the Dordogne

The firefighters and the gendarmes are still on site this Monday, June 6 in the evening. At the end of the afternoon, a fire broke out in an agricultural shed of 1,100 square meters at a place called Badaillac in Monsec in the town of Mareuil in Périgord Vert.

Firefighters will let the hay burn

It was a neighbor who warned the owner of the premises when he saw flames escaping from the metal building. 750 bales of hay weighing 450 kilos each were piled up there. According to the deputy mayor of the commune Jean-Paul Couvy, the hay had to ferment before catching fire. The farmer who raises several hundred goats was not there, there were no injuries. The fire did not affect the building that houses his animals.

The fire being difficult to put out, the firefighters will let the hay burn all night.

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