a final tribute for the actor


Video length: 2 min

Michel Blanc
The funeral of Michel Blanc takes place in Paris, Thursday October 10 afternoon. A moment that the actor’s family and loved ones wish to be joyful.
(France 2)

The funeral of Michel Blanc takes place in Paris, Thursday October 10 afternoon. A moment that the actor’s family and loved ones wish to be joyful.

The funeral of Michel Blanc takes place in the Saint-Eustache church in Paris, Thursday October 10: 700 people are expected, relatives, friends, as well as the world of entertainment. Two portraits of the actor were hung on the facade of the church Thursday morning. With his smile full of mischief and sweetness, Michel Blanc has enchanted generations of French people for fifty years.

Fans will be able to watch the ceremony broadcast outside, using loudspeakers. On the square, several people share their emotion. “We will miss him, it’s a part of me that is leaving,” says a man. His family and his lifelong accomplices, the Splendid troupe, hoped that this last farewell would be joyful. The Splendid actors are all expected to speak on Thursday afternoon in the church. Jean-Pierre Améris, one of the last directors to have worked with Michel Blanc, pays tribute to “a man who made us laugh, who did us good”.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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