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Monday, September 19, the funeral of Elizabeth II was filmed in Westminster Abbey in London. His family then paid him a final tribute to Windsor.
To Windsor (United Kingdom), a final phase of the Queen’s funeral took place on Monday, September 19, before a moment of family recollection. “A strictly private ceremony after 11 days of mourning shared with the entire nation, after the display of the coffin in public”reports journalist Ambroise Bouleis, live from Windsor. The royal family’s final farewell to Elizabeth II was held without a camera.
“The King and his relatives will meet in the Georges VI memorial chapel, an annex of the Saint-Georges chapel in the Château de Windsor“, continues the journalist. Elizabeth II will be buried there alongside her husband, Prince Philip, but also her father, mother and sister. “The last public image, which will remain engraved in the memories here, is that of this coffin descending slowly towards the royal crypt to the sound of the bagpipes“, concludes Ambroise Bouleis.