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The film “L’Abbé Pierre – une vie de combats” is screened out of competition on Friday 26 May. 16 years after his death, the abbot continues to inspire directors.
A shadow hangs over Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) and its Festival: that of Abbé Pierre, the founder of Emmaüs, who died 16 years ago, but whom the French have not forgotten. “We need more people like him to make our society run better”, underlines a local resident. The film Abbé Pierre – a life of struggles is screened Friday, May 26 in the evening at the festival. Festival-goers will discover the third film on Abbé Pierre. Benjamin Lavernhe, puts himself in the shoes of the man who launched the call for the winter of 1954. A look back at 70 years of life of Henri Groues, the real name of Abbé Pierre.
A lifetime of fighting poverty.
The actor plays it at all ages, an impressive acting performance. “All that matters is finding your energy, finding the truth of your speaking out”, says actor Benjamin Lavernhe. Abbé Pierre led a life of struggle. In 1949, he created the companions of Emmaus, fought against poverty and defended the most modest until his death at the age of 94. The voice of the voiceless, as it was nicknamed, will resound tonight in the Palais du Festival, almost 70 years after its heartbreaking appeal in the winter of 1954.