a fight breaks out between MPs in the middle of Parliament


Video length: 2 min

Georgia: a fight breaks out between MPs in the middle of Parliament

Georgia: a fight breaks out between MPs in the middle of Parliament

(France 2)

In Georgia, a fight broke out on Monday April 15 between MPs in Parliament as they debated the reintroduction of the controversial “foreign agents” bill.

Georgian deputies came to blows on Monday April 15 in Parliament. They were then debating the reintroduction of a controversial bill on “foreign agents”. A text that was a source of great tension and large-scale demonstrations last year. The first version of the bill was abandoned after the protests which brought together tens of thousands of people in March 2023. Everyone already denounced at the time a text inspired by Russian legislation and targeting critics of power.

General brawl

The debates in Parliament on Monday April 15 showed that the subject is still just as sensitive. According to footage from the parliamentary session shared on social media, an opposition lawmaker punched one of the bill’s co-drafters, also a ruling party lawmaker. The situation degenerated into a widespread fight within the hemicycle itself.

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