a few hours after his breakup with Sarah Lopez in Secret Story Spain, he formalizes with his new conquest, the despicable images…

This Thursday, March 17, 2022, Tom Brusse shocked the Web. After several months of idyllic relationship in the arms of Sarah Lopez, the young man has chosen to put an end to this love story. And this, live from Spanish television… A sequence that quickly created a buzz. Destroyed, the pretty brunette thought, however, to have found the shoe that suited her. ” We thought we were writing our story together. We are in 4 months of writing, the book is beautiful, the chapters are short, but intense. And say it’s just the beginning “, even wrote the latter last January on social networks.

Unfortunately, Tom Brusse fell in love with another candidate. A young woman in her twenties who has the same first name… as her ex. Ready to start an affair with this new conquest, the star of the Spanish version of Secret Story has chosen to call Sarah Lopez. ” I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want you to suffer. That’s why I’m calling you, so as not to leave you with false hopes. I’m so sorry “, declared the young man in particular while continuing with a great classic:” it’s not you, it’s me “.

Words that Julien Guirado’s friend struggled to take. ” Wait, I don’t understand. Before you left, you told me that you loved me more than anything. You told me that I was the future mother of your children. I introduced you to my mom three days before you got on this show. You told me to trust you completely, and 24 hours later you’re getting closer to a girl? With the same first name as me? You told me we were going to live together. We had lots of plans. For a 20 year old hottie, you wanna leave me? “, swung the star.

Exit Sarah Lopez, Tom Brusse wasted no time. Less than 24 hours after breaking up with the pretty brunette, the Secret Story Spain candidate was already exchanging a passionate kiss with the other Sara… Images that risk stirring the knife in the wound and which only increase the compassion of the Internet users towards the French.


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