A few days before the presidential election, Bigflo and Oli sing their love for France in “Sacré bordel”

Two years since the two brothers had released anything. As the first round of the presidential election approaches, the duo returns to sing the Holy shit of these elections. “We wanted to come back with a meaningful and important song for us rather than a light and more ‘expected’ song. We hope not to have been mistaken. This clip was really a titanic hassle to set up”entrust the two artists on their Youtube page.

For the clip, they locked themselves in a glass cube that looked like a mini recording studio. At the Capitole de Toulouse, Place de la République in Paris, without forgetting the Col des Pyrénées, the glass box traveled to the four corners of France, attracting hundreds of curious people and fans who came to admire the unusual filming.

From the first words, the tone is set: “I love France, like an aunt with whom I don’t always agree, who makes too little effort / But for whom I will cry all the tears in my body when she dies”. For five minutes, the two Toulouse will declare their love and their anger to this France they love, even if it is not perfect. “It makes you feel weird but I love it, this country, the one that taxes me and covers me with taxes / The one that pays for me at the pharmacy, that took me for free to see the sea in summer camp / Its story, I I know its horrors, but also its power”, can be heard in the first verse.

Police violence, living together, immigration, diversity, terrorism, dual identity… Bigflo and Oli address the various issues that are at the heart of presidential debates. Filled with contradictions, the track sums up the state of mind of a new generation torn between love, anger, pride and disagreement. “She’s beautiful, my France and her land, even if she doesn’t see me in the mirror / I tell myself that we could do it, break the glass ceiling / Instead of pointing out everyone’s differences , focus on everything we have in common”launches Bigflo in the second verse.

Holy shit tells the contrary feelings of a youth who does not find himself in the French political landscape. A lack of representation which should weigh this Sunday on the abstention rate.

source site-9