A few checks to make on the credit card side before you leave on vacation

To avoid unpleasant surprises on vacation, it is better before leaving to carry out a few checks on the use of your bank card. Advice from Fanny Guinochet.

franceinfo: Fanny, we often go on vacation too quickly and we forget to check how we are going to be able to operate with our bank card?

Fanny Guinochet: First, the first thing is to check the expiry date of your credit card. We rarely think about it, but if it falls during the holidays, you will have a hard time picking up your new card, and you will be stuck. Better to anticipate.

The other precaution to take is to check your spending limits with your card. The holidays are a time when, often, we spend more, and if you reach the ceiling, you will not be able to withdraw or even pay. And you will be blocked. It costs nothing to make a quick phone call to the banker, or send him an email asking him to offer you to increase the ceiling temporarily.

Moreover, if you are going abroad, inform him, it will avoid the phone call in the middle of the night – because of the jet lag – when he realizes that your card has been used on another continent. It will ask you if it is you who is currently using your card.

Abroad too, there are often fees when you pay with your card, or even when you withdraw money from the ATM. The bank can take a few euros from you for each exchange rate transaction. Find out.

And then our credit card also insures us?

Yes, there is often associated insurance useful for last-minute ticket cancellations, theft of papers, in the event of injury too, and repatriation costs. It depends on the range level of your card. Find out before you leave, in particular about the conditions for implementing the insurance.

For example, for it to work, you must be at least 100 km from home, or the flight delay is at least 4 hours, but for it to work, you must have paid for the ticket with your card. . Find out about the deductible and exclusion conditions.

If you have insurance with your credit card, there is no need to take another one for your holidays, it would be duplicated.

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