A feminicide that occurred in 2020 is confirmed by a coroner

The coroner’s office confirmed on Friday that the deaths of a 74-year-old lady and her spouse of the past 50 years in Ormstown in Montérégie in June 2020 were a femicide followed by a suicide.

In her investigation report, the coroner Me Marie-Pierre Charland indicates that Francine Lussier was killed by two bullets to the head. She was found lifeless on June 11, 2020 in her bedroom by a family member.

Soon after, her husband Robert Brière, 74, was found inert near a barn with a gun near him. The couple resided on agricultural land.

The coroner estimates that Ms. Lussier’s death occurred the day before, June 10, 2020.

The coroner mentions that in the months preceding the murder, Ms. Lussier had confided to a relative that her spouse had attempted to commit suicide with a firearm because of “the marital difficulties he felt”. The victim had also revealed to a person of his entourage that “Mr. Brière wrongly suspected her of wanting to ask for a divorce”.

The coroner mentions that the septuagenarian had poor health and that he “was a proud man who did not like to be upset, that he was reserved and very controlling”.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can call the SOS violence conjugale emergency line at 1 800 363-9010.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to call the Quebec Suicide Prevention Line at 1 866 277-3553 or a Crime Victims Assistance Center (CAVAC) at 1 866 532-2822.

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