Jean-Pierre MONDEILH is the president of the association of merchants and service artisans in the Garlin region, who came to our studios this morning accompanied by Bernadette Cassagnau, a corn bean producer in Boueilh-Boueilho-Lasque, to announce the farmers’ market that will take place. place this Saturday place Marcadieu in Garlin. “Les Menus du Marché” will be served on site or to take away from noon in a festive atmosphere.
– France Blue Bearn Bigorre
The idea of going to the market like every Saturday is expanded for the occasion by producers happy to meet consumers who are happy to share dishes prepared for the occasion at the same table.
On the program, snails, winegrowers, Charolais meat, charcuterie and preparations by Bernadette Cassagnau (Les Délices de Nanou) who announces a complicated year for the association of corn bean producers. Only 9 kilos harvested on her side against half a ton last year, the sun burned the flowers, she tells us. In the meantime Bernadette Cassagnau always cooks her vegetables, meat from the farm with invented or family recipes. All her products are available at Ferm’envie in Bizanos and at her farm. Bernadette Cassagnau offers a starter and a piperade on the market menu this Saturday in Garlin.
France Bleu Béarn Bigorre will be live from Place Marcadieu in Garlin on Saturday morning!