a farmer near Toulouse has more than 2000 liters “siphoned off”

If fuel thefts particularly target farmers in the region, no road user seems to be spared. A prevention campaign should be launched by the authorities, announces the gendarmerie.

On February 22 and 24, 2022, new fuel thefts of 200 and 400 liters of diesel were perpetrated in the municipalities of Hourc (65) and Trebons (65) to the detriment of forest machines.“At the end of February, the Hautes-Pyrénées gendarmerie issued an appeal for vigilance to owners of vehicles liable to have fuel stolen.

The gendarmerie carries out daily special surveillance of certain worksite areas“, she assured on social networks.

These thefts, which have increased sharply since the significant rise in fuel prices, are aimed particularly at farmers. “Last week, we still have a farmer living on the outskirts of Toulouse who had 2,200 liters of fuel siphoned off.“, declares Nicolas Ates, secretary general of the Chamber of Agriculture of Haute-Garonne. This cereal farmer by profession, an activist with young farmers, ensures that fuel thefts will increase due to the increase in fuel prices.

Due to rising fuel prices, farmers filled their tanks. We can’t monitor everything, it’s going to start again.

Nicolas Ates, Secretary General of the Haute-Garonne Chamber of Agriculture

To fight against these thefts, the Chamber of Agriculture of Haute-Garonne says to rely on the Demeter cell set up by the gendarmerie of the department. “We do as we can. Farmers are alerted, thefts are reported and surveillance is reinforced“, summarizes Nicolas Ates.

Faced with this upsurge, the gendarmes therefore intend to tighten controls. Several arrests after fuel thefts were made. In February, the gendarmerie of Lot (46) explained that they had arrested a 25-year-old Souillagais who “used to use fuel in parked vehicles‘.

1,000 liters of diesel stolen from a rest area”; “After the thefts of diesel, we steal the wheels” … In a Facebook group that brings together more than 4,000 users, the testimonies of road users who say they have been victims of fuel theft are multiplying.

According to information from the motorway manager Vinci, “with rising gas prices, fuel siphoning is on the rise“, precisely “on the road on vacation, or on the side of the road during a break”.

These thefts are also often accompanied by damage to the machinery

Gendarmerie of the Hautes-Pyrenees

This observation is shared by the police. In an alert message relayed by the gendarmerie of the Lot-et-Garonne department, it is specified that a “a number of other inhabitants”, in addition to farmers, are affected by these thefts.

According to the Hautes-Pyrénées gendarmerie, “cThefts are also often accompanied by damage to the machinery“, assure the gendarmes. To try to fight against these thefts, the gendarmerie plans to organize prevention campaigns.

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