A famous youtuber presumed dead for more than 2 years suddenly reappears on the networks… Her subscribers in shock!

1.5 million: This is the number of subscribers that Kate Yup, famous youtuber, has on her channel. A real “mukbang” star (a phenomenon that consists of eating huge quantities of food in front of your camera, editor’s note) the young woman had suddenly disappeared from the networks a few years earlier. Without any sign of life on her part, internet users had then assumed that the latter had died.

Since 2018, Kate Yup has maintained a real mystery around her person. She has never revealed her face to the light of day, leaving only her arms and her mouth to be seen. Over the course of his videos, several intriguing elements had been noticed by his fans. In particular traces on its members as well as hidden messages like ” S.O.S. ” Where ” Help me “. Did the young woman really need help? In any case, this is what the rest of the story suggests.

Intriguing videos

At the end of 2019, Kate Yup disappears overnight. A shock for its subscribers who will develop many theories. On the one hand, the young woman would have been held captive and forced to make videos. On the other hand, she would simply be dead. But while everyone thought the dead youtuber, she suddenly resurfaced at the beginning of October with a new video in which she wrote: ” KATE YUP is back, I’m too hungry, I’m going to gobble everything up”. “Look at me, I’m fine, I still have a good appetite “, she added in the images without saying more about her surprising disappearance.

Stunned, Internet users are convinced that this is not the real Kate Yup. ” How can you tell Kate Yup is back, like can’t you see it’s ANOTHER girl! It’s clearly not her. Look at his mouth and especially his smile. It’s not the same dentition… Seriously “, can we read in particular on the networks. New buzz shot or various intriguing facts? The mystery remains intact…


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