A famous tribe of “large families” lynched on the Web… These terrible messages they wipe daily

Notoriety is not always easy. Since its debut in “Large Families: Life in XXL”, the Jean-Zéphirin clan has been the target of many Internet users. On Twitter, they go after the parents of eight children who are about to welcome a new member. Indeed, the mother of the family has been singled out since the announcement of her last pregnancy. Some aficionados even accuse Raoudha and Dominique of taking advantage of the system. ” The worst are the JZs. Re-pregnant the mother, my word they are so afraid of losing the young child allowance that they anticipate, it’s lamentable “wrote a viewer on the Web.

“I can understand that we want a big family, but I don’t know before making the kids we plan a minimum, right? They are already 3 per room, the parents and 2 children in the living room, where does the 9th go? “, also wonders a viewer. What fans of the show answer with irony: “In the cubbyhole or the toilet. That’s what I’m saying, no need to have a 500 m2 but damn a minimum what”or “As a child, he can sleep in the sink…”.

“Free contraceptive”

And the messages don’t stop there. With unparalleled cruelty, Internet users continue: “Help, the father has to be sterilized, it’s not possible, where are they going to put the kid?” », « Large families, it’s the perfect program to make me want to have children… never », « Free contraceptive », or even « We have to ligate his tubes. I knew my little apprentice who gave her mother the pill because she was the eldest and she was fed up with the children who arrived every 9 months”. Fortunately, the couple was able to count on their admirers to come to their defense. ” Remember to report messages of harassment and insults to families, some even ask them to sterilize or ligate their tubes, it’s outrageous and unacceptable »…


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