a famous sportsman has decided to join the armed troops!

NATO announced on Friday March 4, 2022 that it would not intervene militarily in the war in Ukraine, as fighting rages around Kiev. The Russians seem more determined than ever to take control of the Ukrainian capital and overthrow power to establish a new regime. And yet all over the world, voices are rising to demand peace. Some athletes join from the fields to these messages of peace. A few days ago, before winning the Dubai tournament, tennis player Andrey Rublev wrote on a cameraman’s lens: “No war please”.

Another tennis player has also decided to support Ukraine, his native country, but in a completely different way. Sergiy Stakhovsky decided to join the army in order to fight the Russian invasion on the front. The 233rd player in the world, 36, left to join the military in Ukraine, leaving his wife and children in Hungary. The tennis player also said he wanted to alert public opinion by joining the three tennis stars, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer to his fight. “Djokovic sent me a message of support, we even exchanged a little. I tried to contact Federer and Nadal, I’m sorry but they preferred silence”he says in an interview with La Stampa.

A scary day near a nuclear power plant

The day of this Friday March 4, 2022 was especially marked by a big fright after the fire started by shootings in a nuclear power plant of the country in Zaporijia. A fire quickly broke out but Ukraine and the International Atomic Energy Agency assured that no reactor was affected and that the level of radioactivity is still stable. The IAEA calls “to cease the use of force and warns of a serious danger if the reactors are affected”. According to a statement from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, “several people” were killed and injured following the bombing of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. However, no figure has, for the time being, been advanced.

See also: “If you don’t know, shut up!” : a columnist of TPMP takes full figure!

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