a famous journalist curries Pierre Palmade live on the radio

Anger rumbles the day after the terrible accident caused by Pierre Palmade this Friday, February 10, 2023. The famous 54-year-old comedian was indeed driving under the influence of drugs, near his home in Seine-et-Marne, when he apparently lost control of his vehicle and crashed into an oncoming vehicle. On board this car, a 40-year-old man and his six-year-old son, both still in hospital currently in serious condition, but also a seven-month-pregnant woman… who has lost her baby.

While it was confirmed that Pierre Palmade was positive for cocaine and drugs, a search took place this Sunday, February 12, 2023 at his home. And after the rant of Sylvie Ortega whose ex-husband was friends with the comedian, it is the turn of the journalist Alba Ventura to sound the alarm on the drug addiction of Pierre Palmade.

“It’s unforgivable!”
Live on the program “RTL Petit Matin” presented by Jérôme Florin, the journalist let her anger burst: “No complacency vis-à-vis cursed artists. I’m a little tired of this kind of romanticism around these stars of which it is said almost nicely that they cannot escape their demons, that it is a great sadness… ‘oh the poor, he has a lot of talents'” she launched before s take directly on the 54-year-old comedian.

“We have been hearing about Pierre Palmade for more than 25 years, either for his plays or for these escapades linked to alcohol and drugs. Pierre Palmade is a drug addict! […] It’s against the law because drugs kill. It kills those who consume it and endangers those who cross their path.”

And Alba Ventura concludes with sadness: “There is a personal drama at Palmade for sure, but today there is a woman who has lost her baby and a father and his six-month-old son who are between life and death then it is not “Irreparable” as the newspaper “Le Parisien” headlined it yesterday, it is unforgivable!”. At the same time, on the RMC set, revelations were made about the party organized by Pierre Palmade this Friday and about these periods of carousing where “the goal was to fuck and get high”.


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