a drop in interest rates is expected in 2024


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Real estate: a drop in interest rates is expected in 2024

Real estate: a drop in interest rates is expected in 2024 – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – R.Asencio, E.Huin, T.Simonet, M.Lassaga, F.Guinle, A.Bouville, S.Ripaud

France Televisions

Today at 4.35% over twenty years, interest rates should fall in 2024. Real estate professionals are rather optimistic.

While mortgage rates have skyrocketed over the last two years, going from 1.50% in 2021 to 4.60% last December, has the decline started? Matthew Souvira will soon be the owner. He has got A interest rate at 4.3% over 25 years. For her broker, the excitement is well and truly over. “That’s pmaybe two months since the banks stabilized their rates”she explains.

Prices will continue to fall

The average rate over 20 years could fall below 4% in 2024. Far from that of Valentin Komasa, who moved in 15 days ago with his partner near Chambéry (Savoie). The couple borrowed when rates were at their highest, 4.9% over 25 years. But they managed to renegotiate: 260,000 euros, or 40,000 less than requested by the owner. In the meantime, there are real opportunities to seize. Prices go continue to decline throughout 2024 according to professionals.

Among our sources

Best rate: https://www.meilleurtaux.com/

Non-exhaustive list

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