a dreaded sharp increase in 2022



Article written by

M. Damoy, P.-L. Monnier, P. Caron, J.-M. Perroux – franceinfo

France Televisions

The prices of complementary health insurance could sharply increase despite the government’s call to order last week.

Electricity, gas, fuels, all prices are increasing. Those of complementary health also should flare up in 2022. An increase in contributions that could reach 7 to 10% according to the Federation of independent mutuals (FNIM). “Complementary health insurance had much less care to reimburse during the Covid-19 pandemic, so they initially saved more than two billion, and in reality, according to the cabinet of Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, it is is 2.8 billion. We took from them via the Covid tax 1.5 billion so they have 1.3 billion leftrd “, Tonalysis Daniel Rosenweb, author of (Very) black book of mutuals.

The government of Jean Castex had however expressly asked mutuals to moderate their rates next year. But according to their unions, with an aging population and ever more expensive care, 2021 has been expensive for complementary. According to the consumer association UFC Que-Choisir, one in five insured would spend more than 200 euros per month for their complementary health.

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