A drama in the Italian Alps, the relaunched Coquerel affair and the expected ministerial reshuffle… the informed of Sunday July 3

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Sunday July 3, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Sunday July 3, 2022.

The themes :

Several dead in the fall of a serac on the Marmolada glacier, in the Italian Alps. Is this a consequence of global warming?

Eric Coquerel’s forum in the Sunday newspaper does she end the controversy over her allegedly inappropriate behavior or does she relaunch the case?

Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne are preparing a cabinet reshuffle. Is there a need for a large-scale renewal of the executive? Can Damien Abad stay in government?

Once his general policy speech was delivered, should the Prime Minister submit to the vote of confidence of the deputies?

The informed:

Tam Tran Huy, political and parliamentary journalist at Public Senate,

Berengère Bonte, journalist and author,

Pablo Pillaud-Vivien, reditorial manager of Regards.fr,

Francois Ernenwein, political columnist at the newspaper Reform.

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