a dozen retirees from Creusoises were able to (re)pass their school certificate

“I made no mistakes in the dictation, so I was happy. For the writing, I made my little speech. And I only made one mistake in mental calculation. I made progress !“ rejoices Nathalie, one of the ten Creusoises retirees who rubbed shoulders, Saturday May 14, the 1922 study certificate tests for the canton of Saint-Vaury. She who has never been able to pass her school certificate, she is delighted.

Mathematical dictation, sewing or even poetry recitation.

It is the association Arinopa who initiated this activity. A dozen people therefore gathered in the library of the Louis Durand college in Saint-Vaury to do these exercises. On the program: mathematical dictation, sewing or even poetry recitation. Some have even decided to write with a pen as before. “It makes you realize that you quickly forget things. It was worth the cost”, laughs Marie Christine, leaning over her exercise book.

Simone, the organizer and president of the association, leans casually over the notebooks of these somewhat unusual students. Its goal : that participants can try their hand at the school certificate while having a good time. “It’s a way to meet and reflect, ultimately, to play our memory a little. It brings together people attached to the past, not necessarily their past, but also the past of their parents or grandparents”, she explains.

But no spirit of competition or judgment in the room. The points were not counted and, at the end of the afternoon, all the participants left with a false diploma attesting to their success.

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