a dozen employees intoxicated by a “space cake” during a birthday drink at work, eight complaints filed

It was the employee who was celebrating his birthday who had brought this cannabis cake. A dozen of his colleagues were seized with vomiting.

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Eight complaints were filed after the intoxication of a dozen employees during a birthday drink in a company in La Chapelle-d’Angillon (Cher) last November, reports France Bleu Berry on Friday April 15. According to the analyzes revealed in mid-April, these intoxicated employees had eaten a “space cake”, a cannabis cake, without knowing it.

It was the employee who wanted to celebrate his birthday at work who had brought this cannabis cake. After eating it, a dozen of his colleagues were sick with vomiting and headaches.

It is the gendarmes of Cher who have carried out analyzes since then. These results were released on Friday, indicating that these discomforts are explained by the consumption of this cannabis cake. In total, thirteen people ate this cake without knowing it and three employees suffered from more serious illnesses with relative emergency hospitalization. The employee who brought the cake will be summoned by the courts.

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