A dozen demonstrators, only, at MACH 36 in Déols, against the rise in fuel prices

In 2018, gasoline had not even come close to two euros when thousands of yellow vests took to the streets in France. At the start of 2022, fueled by the conflict in Ukraine, fuel prices are on the rise. But not the street. This Saturday, March 12, a demonstration took place at MACH 36, it brought together only a handful of demonstrators.

From bio-ethanol to diesel: everything increases

The increase in fuel, Virginie and her husband see it on a daily basis: “I was at 50 euros for a full tank, now I’m at 75 or 80 euros!” As a result, she only leaves her house once a week. Her husband uses the family car sparingly. He will never be able to do without it in view of his working hours. “Soon we will have to make a choice between the car and the fridge!” launches Virginia.
Even if he saw the price spike coming, Jean-Claude also suffered from it. He had a system installed to drive on ethanol on his car. He too sees the price of this yet ecological and economical fuel rising. “At the end of 2020 it was 59 cents per litre. I saw it climb little by little. The last time I looked it was 88 cents, 84 cents in these waters!”

“I don’t understand why people don’t revolt” – Jean-Marc

In the rain, they are a dozen demonstrators to wonder. Why is no one taking to the streets? “It shocks me !“says Jean-Marc, “I don’t understand why people don’t revolt! I have the impression that they are in their comfort, that everything is fine. It saddens me!” he confides. What saddens the president of the Parti Citoyen Engagé association is that the traditional political parties are not there, that they preferred to march for the climate, at the same time in downtown Châteauroux. “There is no elected representative a few weeks before the presidential election. It’s good to hold a demonstration for the climate, I have nothing against that, but here the urgency is purchasing power “ she says.

She therefore calls for a big demonstration, on Châteauroux, for purchasing power against inflation and rising fuel prices between now and the first round of the presidential election.
This Saturday, for his part, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a reduction of 15 cents per liter of gasoline from April 1 and for four months. The measure should cost two billion euros to the State.

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