a dog cemetery found in his famous house in Douchy

A few days ago, for the start of the new year, Anouchka Delon gave good news from her father, Alain, 88 years old, in a photo of great tenderness shared on her Instagram account. She, who lives in Switzerland all year round, came to see him at his house in Douchy, in Loiret, where he lives with Loubo, his Malinois shepherd. It must be said that Alain Delon is a big fan of dogs.

“He built a chapel at the foot of which the dogs are buried

In the columns of Pointthe journalist and director Laurent Galinon, author of the book “Delon in chiaroscuro”reports that he “still raised more than 50 dogs throughout his life.” To the point where, “at his home, in Douchy, he built a chapel at the foot of which the dogs are buried, couple by couple”.

His biographer, who also reports that he “saved a dog from certain death on the sidelines of the filming of Plein soleil”, reveals how Alain Delon’s best friends are “also very present in his filmography“. And to quote, the film “The rebel”in which a greyhound appears, or “Mr. Klein”, where we recognize a German shepherd, as well as “The gang“, with his faithful companion, Jado. All “play discreet, but recurring supporting roles, and give extra humanity to solitary and taciturn characters” performed by the famous on-screen actor.

Like them, he has an animal relationship to things

And Laurent Galinon notes: “When you think about it, there are many things Delon and dogs have in common.“. This specialist indeed believes: “Like them, he has an animal relationship to things, and “feels” if people are reliable or want to take advantage of him. At that time, he can bite! “


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