a documentary retraces the life of Lady Diana


Article written by

V. Gaget, M. Collet, P. Aubert N. Jauson – France 3

France Televisions

A documentary film is released to return to the tragic fate of Lady Diana. It is composed solely of archival images.

Twenty-five years after her death, Lady Diana still occupies a special place. A documentary made up of unpublished archive images looks back on the tragic life of the Princess of Hearts, killed in a car accident in Paris while she was being chased by the paparazzi. The film is not commented, but is only made up of archive footage. It retraces the life of the young woman who, from the announcement of her marriage, will live under the gaze of photographers.

The tracking of the media and the voice of the people that the film makes it possible to hear again sometimes send shivers down the spine. The princess spoke little, but her body language spoke for her. Through skillful editing, the documentary shows the political role Diana played and how she rocked the monarchy, such as the day she visited the Taj Mahal alone.

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