They were a hundred under a light rain gathered in front of the tree of freedom in Périgueux this Tuesday evening to affirm their opposition to Marine le Pen before the second round of the presidential election scheduled for Sunday, April 24. The rally was organized by the Socialist Party, the Young Socialists, the Greens, Generations or the CFDT and SOS Racisme. All call unequivocally to vote Emmanuel Macron to block Marine Le Pen.
“People are no longer indignant about anything”
In the crowd also a demonstrator detonated with his signs, Thomas called to vote white. He is challenged by Claude, shocked by what he sees “People have to take their responsibilities. I am a left-wing activist, I find Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term deplorable, but I don’t want to wake up on Monday with Madame le Pen as President of the Republic. […] people are no longer indignant about anything […] they have to take intensive civic education courses, we didn’t fall on our heads”.
Next to Claude, a dozen activists from France Insoumise chant the call of Jean-Luc Mélenchon “Not a voice for the far right” but they do not call to vote Emmanuel Macron. For the members of SOS Racisme, there is no question to ask. Four of them hold the “no to racism” banner with the yellow hand sticker prominently displayed on their chests.
A second rally scheduled for Wednesday in Bergerac
Linda is the president of the Bergerac committee: “I think people haven’t understood, they’re fed up and they’re voting against Macron, but I don’t think they realize that opposite, it’s not really a party, they are fascists”. Beside her, Florian came from Paris: “it’s not plague or cholera, it’s really not comparable and it would be a shame to have the extreme right in power, it would really be a shame for my generation to have fascism in power”. SOS Racisme in Bergerac is organizing a second rally this Wednesday at 6 p.m. Place Gambetta.
– Charlotte Jousserand
As the speeches end, six supporters of Eric Zemmour and his Reconquête party settle down a few meters away, French flags clearly visible, they are silent but want to show that they are there to denounce this gathering which should not take place according to them.