A discovery of CrossFit in Le Mans for the benefit of sick children

The CrossFit 72 room, located in the industrial area south of Le Mans, organized this Sunday, February 13 a day of discovery of the discipline. An initiative to raise funds for the association “A smile, a hope”, which helps sick children, organized by students in BTS NDRC (Negotiation, digitalization and customer relations).

The opportunity for the curious to try their hand at this intensive training method, combining endurance, gymnastics and weightlifting. “It’s really hard CrossFit, I knew it was very physical, but I didn’t think so much“, says Fabien, a student who nevertheless regularly goes to the gym. “Maybe I’ll come back, I don’t know.

“It’s getting addictive”

I had a lot of preconceptions before about CrossFit, I thought it killed the joints“, explains Sandra, her face as red as her neon t-shirt.”But I realized that wasn’t the case and I think it’s great now. It’s actually getting addicting..” She signed up for the gym three months ago. During the day, about sixty people participated in the activities, mainly members of the room.

We thought it was a good opportunity to raise funds and promote CrossFit“, specifies Nancy, one of the students at the origin of the project and herself practicing the discipline. Which did not fail to meet an echo with Mike Montandon, the coach and co-manager of the room: “I have recognition as a disabled worker because of an accident I had when I was younger in the legs“, he says. “So when we can help people who have health problems, we do it with pleasure.

Funds for Robin and Anaïs

These funds will enable the association Un smile, un espoir, to finance two specific projects. “It’s to make the dream of a ten-year-old boy named Robin come true, to go dog sledding, so we’re going to fund his whole family a ski trip.“, details Yohann Roussel, its president. “The second project is for a little girl called Anaïs. It’s to finance an operation in Spain to regain the use of his legs.

The more money we collect, the more we can move forward in these projects and with other children because we have waiting lists on certain files.“, he continues. The next collection operation will be a solidarity lotto at the Ruaudin multipurpose hall on Saturday February 19, at 6 p.m.

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