Disabled following a stroke, Laurence Wattiez has been in great difficulty since Sunday evening May 15. The elevator in her building, located on Place du Pays d’Auges in Amiens, broke down following a flood, and she therefore found herself stuck on the second floor.
Can’t go out alone
Because of his paralysis on his entire right side, taking the spiral service staircase is an ordeal for Laurence Wattiez. “It is very difficult to climb, I’m always afraid of slipping, the steps are not suitable, in short, on my own I won’t be able to do it“, she explains.
Luckily she can count on the help of his children and that of Jean-Pierre Lessueur, a friend who lives a few numbers away. “I help her up and down because otherwise she wouldn’t be able to get out, it would be too risky and she would be left alone in her hole“, says his almost neighbor.
Help that is all the more necessary since Laurence Wattiez has many medical appointments with his health problems. “I’ve been to physio, appointments with specialists planned for a long time but I can’t go to all of them, the stairs exhaust me too much.”
“You have to manage”
Faced with these difficulties, she asked SIP for help, the Picardy real estate company, its social landlord. But the response was not as expected.
“The lady told me to stop calling her, that they didn’t have only that to do and that anyway as long as they didn’t have an estimate from the company in charge of repairing, the elevator will remain broken and that I had to manage”, explains Laurence Wattiez.
But getting by is already what she’s been doing for 5 years, since his accommodation is not adapted to his handicap : his wheelchair, for example, does not go through the doors and there again it is not for lack of asking for help from the SIP, without success.
– Lisa Penalver
For its part, SIP ensures thatspecial attention will be given to Laurence Wattiez’s file and that if necessary, if the repair takes too long, an arrangement can be put in place with, for example, a carrying system for shopping.