a difficult hearing and statements



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The statements of Nordhal Lelandais, who seemed to transfer the responsibility for the death of Maëlys to his ex-companion, shocked the hearing on Friday February 4.

Once again, Nordhal Lelandais shocked the audience on Friday February 4. He said that if his ex-girlfriend had replied to the message he had sent her the night of the events, little Maëlys would still be alive. “It would have changed everything, I would have left the wedding and the little one would still be there“, he declared, causing the tears of the concerned and arousing the indignation of the parents of the victim.

This unfortunate ex-companion has nothing to do with it, strictly nothing, in the disappearance of Maëlys. There is only one person who is responsible for the death of Maëlys, it is Nordhal Lelandais“, answered in front of the media Me Fabien Rajon, lawyer of the mother, who accused him of being “the man of pretexts, false excuses, the man of lies“. The hearing was also trying because despite Nordhal Lelandais’ denials, the suspicion of sexual abuse remains.

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