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The evacuation of civilians in Mariupol began on Sunday 1 May. The city, destroyed by the Russian army, has been the target of bombardments for two months.
On Sunday May 1, civilians had to make their way through the rubble after weeks buried in the bowels of the Azovstal factory in Mariupol (Ukraine). Frightened women and children have finally found the light of day. They also discovered the extent of the destruction. On board a bus, the first civilians evacuated were relieved. “There was very little to eat, it was very difficult, especially for the children”confides a Ukrainian woman.
After several failed attempts, the civilians left the hell of the steel complex, the last pocket of resistance in Mariupol, crushed under the bombs. On images broadcast by Moscow (Russia), we can see a convoy escorted by the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Dozens of buses and ambulances were waiting to be able to continue these evacuations. Other images also showed moving reunions in the pro-Russian zone. Most of the evacuated civilians were transferred to the city of Zaporizhia (Ukraine), still in Ukrainian hands.