A difficult budgetary camera for Claire Samson

Conservative MP Claire Samson rubbed shoulders with the strict limits of the budget camera on Tuesday, which would have earned her a reminder about the ban on smoking in the building where she was with dozens of journalists and politicians gathered under heavy police surveillance.

Mme Samson was in a room at the Quebec City Convention Center with the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ), Éric Duhaime, and a political attaché.

They had been authorized to be present inside the closed budget, an annual event which makes it possible to learn about the government’s budget a few hours before its public unveiling by the Minister of Finance, Eric Girard.

Very strict rules are imposed on those present to avoid any escape. Journalists must get rid of their telephones and access to the Internet is prohibited by police officers from the Sûreté du Québec, who patrol the premises permanently.

A smell of cigarettes

A spokeswoman for the Convention Center told the Homework that employees had noticed a smell of cigarettes on Tuesday during the closed session.

“There was someone who smoked in a room,” communications director Ann Cantin said on Wednesday, without revealing the identity of the person or the room where this observation was made.

According to Mme Cantin, the representatives of the Convention Center reported the situation to the Ministry of Finance, which rented this premises as well as others during the presentation of Mr. Girard’s budget.

“We didn’t talk to the person, we talked to our client,” she said.

According to the information sent to the Homework by Minister Girard’s office, an official intervened around noon with Ms.me Samson.

For her part, the member of the PCQ affirms that she did not smoke inside the building, where the cigarette is prohibited.

“There is no one who came to warn us of anything, she assured in an interview with the Homework. There’s no one who could tell we had smoked either. »

Mme Samson maintains that neither she nor the people accompanying her smelled cigarettes.

“I’m a smoker myself so the smell of cigarettes doesn’t bother me,” she admitted. Nobody passed the remark in the room. »

Mme Samson remembers, however, that two Convention Center employees warned her that the ventilation equipment would be kicked into high gear.

“A gentleman and a lady from the Convention Center came to see us to tell us that they were going to increase the ventilation in the rooms and not to surprise us. No one came to talk to us about cigarettes, ”supported the MP.

Mme Samson claims to have gone outside “three or four times” to smoke, in particular with Mr. Duhaime, himself an occasional smoker.

Failed exit from the camera

M’s dayme Samson was also animated when she wanted to temporarily leave behind closed doors while she went to make a statement to the National Assembly, despite strict rules prohibiting any exit before the tabling of the budget by Mr. Girard.

“I thought it didn’t look good,” she protested, acknowledging that she was subject to the same rules as everyone present.

The Tory MP, however, came up against warnings against any exit that could compromise inside information.

“At one point there were like 12 police, they freaked out because I raised my voice,” she said.

Ultimately preferring to stay inside to meet confined journalists like her at the end of the day, Mme Samson eventually gave up on his exit plan.

“Someone came to see me to make me sign a paper so that I could leave at 3:30 p.m., the time scheduled for our press briefing, that I was boarding an SQ bus and that I could not get off the bus, she said. I said: it’s silly. They got a little upset, but nothing happened. »

Speaking on Tuesday in front of journalists, including those from the HomeworkMme Samson had also given an indication of the day she had spent under close surveillance.

“I imagine you are tired or tanned, I don’t know. I am both, ”she had launched from the outset, with Mr. Duhaime by her side.

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