According to France Inter information, the Evry dental health center will be suspended for a period of three years, including 18 months suspended.
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A dental health center in Essonne will be deregistered by Health Insurance, according to information from France Inter on Thursday November 23. The establishment, located in Evry, was reimbursed for fictitious medical procedures, never carried out.
It was by going to their personal account on the website of the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) that patients noticed strange reimbursements, such as dentures never fitted, completely fictitious implants or teeth that they would have been torn away. In total, the damage is estimated at more than 300,000 euros.
A center exempt from convention for three years
The CPAM of Essonne has taken measures. This dental health center in Evry will be exempt from the convention for a period of three years, including 18 months suspended. Patients using the establishment’s services will no longer be reimbursed for the care they receive in this establishment. They will receive a letter from Health Insurance explaining the situation. If they have difficulty finding another dentist, the CPAM is committed to helping them.
In recent months, Health Insurance has increased checks and is tracking down unscrupulous health centers. According to information from France Inter, other procedures are already underway. In the coming months, other deregulations are possible.