The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had asked the prefects on Tuesday to ban any demonstration “of the ultra-right or the extreme right”, after the controversy triggered by the holding of a demonstration of the “Comité du 9 mai ” in the capital.
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The instructions of the Minister of the Interior have been heard. The Secretary of State in charge of Citizenship, Sonia Backès, announced, Wednesday, May 10, in the Senate, that a demonstration organized Sunday in Paris by the French Action would be prohibited.
“A demonstration in homage to Joan of Arc, at Opéra, carried by ultra-right groups, will be prohibited by the police headquarters” of Paris, she announced during questions to the government, responding to PS senator from Paris David Assouline. This demonstration is organized at the call of the far-right royalist movement Action Française.
This announcement is the first translation of the instruction given Tuesday to the prefects by the Minister of the Interior to ban all demonstrations from now on. “of the ultra-right or the extreme right”. The unprohibited demonstration on Saturday in the streets of Paris by a “May 9 committee” made up of ultra-right activists, mostly with their faces hidden and wearing Celtic crosses, sparked a lively controversy.