A demonstration by former SAM employees scheduled in front of the Ministry of the Economy on January 12

Because they still occupy their factory in Viviez near Decazeville, because they do not want us to forget them as major electoral deadlines approach. The former employees of SAM, the foundry which supplied parts to Renault until the beginning of December 2021, met for a general meeting on Monday, January 3. On the menu, the next actions, including the main one scheduled for next week in Paris.

Three Aveyron buses already chartered

The CGT, which has always carried out solo union actions to defend the 330 employees of the Aveyron foundry, is organizing a demonstration Wednesday January 12 in front of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. Several buses will be chartered from Viviez very early in the morning, to arrive at Bercy at midday. Two are already full, a third is filling up.

Aveyronnais will be able to count on the support of the Parisian workforce of CGT-Métallurgie, based in Montreuil.

Until then, the union will organize other local actions, more symbolic, which are intended for the time being to remain confidential.

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