a defeat rich in lessons for France before the World Cup

They had one step left to get this Grand Slam which has been fleeing them since 2018. By losing (12-24) against England on Saturday April 30, the Blues had to settle for second place. The Habs have especially measured what still separates them from those who dominate the world rankings. Enough to provide avenues of work to a staff and players, who had made this Six Nations Tournament and this match in particular an important step in their preparation for the World Cup in October.

Among the axes of work, the conquest and more precisely the key. “All these balls that we lose today are more balls for England. Against these types of nations, the more we give them the ball, the more complicated it is”supported the captain of the Blue, Gaëlle Hermet, after the meeting. “We lacked pragmatism and they countered us very well in touch. It’s only a postponement, we have to grow“, added Jessy Trémoulière.

Les Bleues were also heavily penalized. “In the first half, I think we commit seven fouls in twelve minutes, we take three tries. I thought we had leveled off on that in November, we made fewer mistakes. In this first half, we too much”estimated Annick Hayraud.

There is a strategy that is put in place before the match, but it is also up to us to adapt to what the opponent offers. I think we have a step to take on that.

Gaëlle Hermet, captain of the XV of France

at the post-match press conference

Above all, the Habs failed to adapt strategically during the game. “Sometimes we might have had to raise by hand. It’s part of the maturity that we lack and that will allow us to compete a little moreexplained Thomas Darracq, sports manager of the Blue. We can see the images again, it’s hard to get out of the diagram a bit, but it’s part of our learning.”

Despite the defeat, the Habs were present in a sector that is their strength: defense. “I’m very proud of the girls, in the intensity, in the will to defend our line. We showed our true face. It’s something positive in this defeat”explained the third-line Gaëlle Hermet.

If some have passed through, others have sublimated themselves or confirmed their beautiful promises. Anaïs Deshayes, Audrey Forlani, Gaëlle Hermet and Romane Ménager have not failed, while the young Madoussou Fall (15 selections) and Chloé Jacquet (7 selections) are already establishing themselves as the present of Les Bleues. This ability to respond present in a match of such intensity and surrounded by such a stake makes their performances all the more valuable for the future.

From now on, the blue parenthesis will end for a few weeks, the players returning to the club to play the final stages of Elite 1. They will find themselves with the rooster’s flocked jersey in August for a preparation of a little less than two months. before a World Cup that the XV of France dreams of winning. For that, he will surely have to beat the English. And the XV of France will have the opportunity to gauge its progress from the chickens against the Red Roses, on October 15, in a reunion which promises to be explosive.

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