a “declaration of war

In a scathing press release published this Sunday, November 14, the Kanak Liberation Party goes back on the state’s decision to maintain the referendum. The separatists writes Charles Washetine will work together for a “strategy of response to the height of the insult”.

It is the spokesperson for Palika, Charles Washetine, who took the pen this Sunday, November 14 to denounce the maintenance of the referendum on December 12. For the Kanak Liberation Party, “This iniquitous decision is a political provocation. It brings us back to square one before the Matignon-Oudinot and Nouméa agreements and undermines any possibility of dialogue on the future of the country. It is akin to a true declaration of war against the Kanak people and the progressive citizens of the country. “

Moreover, this decision “Obscures the visibility necessary for the political, economic and social future of the country and could generate a situation of dangerous tension for civil peace.” “

Charles Washetine specifies that the Palika will take the attachment of other independence movements as well as customary bodies “To define together a response strategy equal to the insult made to our people shaken by bereavement. “

“We renew our call to Caledonian citizens not to participate in the December 12 ballot which takes on the appearance of a masquerade and an electoral farce and not to give in to possible provocations”, specifies the press release.

Charles Washetine regrets that“After having failed on numerous occasions to achieve the required ‘neutrality’, the State [ait] chose to take up the cause of the colonial right. “

PALIKA is finally launching a call for all progressives, Kanak or non-Kanak, in love with peace and justice in the country and outside the country, to express their opposition to this coup de force which annihilates more than thirty years of efforts to draw with the whole of our citizen community the contours of an independent, peaceful, democratic and united country. “

The party, as also announced on its side the UC, will seize the UN to denounce “The absurdity of a self-determination consultation without the colonized people. “

Read the press release:

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