a day with a vet




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Clément is a veterinarian. And his daily life, that’s it.

Brut spent a day alongside Clément Rodrique, veterinarian at FamilyVets. The day begins with a “morning round”: the veterinarians meet to discuss the animals in hospital and so to be “fittings on cases“. Among the residents of the veterinary clinic, a cat treated for urinary obstruction. Beside him, a small dog hospitalized for probable poisoning. The clinic is open 24 hours a day for”that there is never an animal that will end up without the possibility of care if there is an emergency“, clarifies Clément.

Clément is an animal lover but, according to him, that is not enough to be a veterinarian. “If you don’t like people, it’s not worth it“, he estimates. He adds:”It’s really a job where you have a lot of psychology, a lot of discussion and management of the owner. “Clément is also there to reassure worried owners. He must also always be honest with them. He explains in particular that he is not always able to reassure them,”either because it’s serious or because we don’t know“.”This is where communication is really, really important“, he assures us.

For Clément, the most difficult thing in the business is the rhythm: “On average, it is 8 pm when we leave, for some of my colleagues, it is even later.“Add to that a lot of emotions.”It leaves a little less time for privacy“, he concludes.


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