a day to clean up the planet


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

France 2 – M. Miktar, C. Boisson, S. Peev, M. Frey, X. Schuffenecker

France Televisions

World Clean Up Day will take place on Saturday September 16. In France, throughout the year, many people collect waste on a voluntary basis, like Robin and Adam, two 12-year-old boys. Reporting.

When they have free time, Robin and Adam, 12 years old, go around the village of Aulnois-sur-Seille (Moselle) with their wheelbarrow to collect waste. Today, they notably found tires covered in moss which are polluting this small village. Both teenagers made this commitment about a year ago. “If we don’t do it, it will stay here, so we have to do it”explains Robin. “If everyone does what they can, great things can be achieved”affirms Adam for his part.

A mountain of bottles and cigarette butts

Changing the course of things is also the mission of volunteers in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Armed with bags and pliers, but above all with good will, they clear the Mucem esplanade, polluted by countless waste. In only one hour into the harvest, a mountain of bottles and cigarette butts were collected. But it’s just a warm-up before Saturday September 16, World Clean Up Day.

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