a dangerous predator has been spotted in their neighborhood

If since the Megxit, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry claim to have found happiness, by settling in a 14.6 million dollar mansion in the upscale district of Montecito, their new address has also brought them some torment…

A cougar prowls the neighborhood

Last year, it was already reported that the couple had called the emergency services, a significant number of times, because of intrusions at their home. It has also been said that their house was located not far from a cannabis field whose smells were heady, or that they were very close to an old Native American cemetery. Now it’s a cougar that threatens their sector.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have therefore been warned by the authorities to be very careful. To lock the doors and windows of their mansion, to keep their children inside and to protect their chickens, as well as their two dogs, who could also be targeted by the dangerous predator. The cougar is said to have descended from the California mountains where the current drought reigns, probably to find water and food. After the publication of images collected by security cameras 5 miles from the Sussexes, on July 23, the couple’s neighbors, Oprah Winfrey, Ariana Grande and Brad Pitt were also warned of the dangers.

>> See also: Meghan Markle diva? His “failure” in a 5-star hotel…

All residents of Montecito are required to be careful with their trash cans, so as not to tempt the animal with food odors. They have also been recommended to install alarms, cameras and night lights, which can repel the intruder.

“They take precautions at night

In Montecito, however, there is no panic. According to Sun, who quotes a neighbor of the Sussexes, it’s a matter of habit, since coyotes, bears and deer are regularly seen in the area. “Locals feel safe during the day, but take precautions at night“explains this witness.

The last time a cougar attacked a human to death was in 2004, at Whiting Ranch State Park in Orange County.


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