a damning union study on the situation of services



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If the Minister of Health wants to be reassuring about the state of the emergency services, the Samu-Urgences union of France publishes Wednesday August 3 a much less optimistic study on the situation, says the journalist Alexandre Hébert.

Whether it is material, human or medical means, the emergency services are under great tension, according to the study published by the Samu-Urgences union in France. “Most of the services surveyed report having great difficulties, so much so that some even had to close their doors at some point in July“, reports journalist Alexandre Hébert. No less than 13% were forced to close for several nights, and 8% had to close day and night.

The study points to a lack of medical personnel, which affects 90% of the departments surveyed, while 89% say they lack non-medical personnel. “Another consequence, 26% of them have therefore put in place a restriction of access to emergencies“, which most often consists of the obligation to go through the Samu before being admitted to the emergency room. Unfortunately, the question of the lack of personnel also arises for the Samu.

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