a CRS company as reinforcements in Dijon

This Friday, February 4, two people were arrested in Dijon in the Fontaine d’Ouche district following new fights between rival gangs. These fights follow several fights with knives since Tuesday, February 1 in front of the Hippolyte Fontaine high school in Dijon and in public transport in the Dijon agglomeration.

To prevent fights between rival gangs, the prefect of Côte-d’Or asked for company reinforcement from CRS in the Dijon metropolis. Since this Friday, February 4, a company of 71 CRS from Bièvres in Essone has been deployed in Dijon in the Fontaine d’Ouche district, in downtown Dijon but also in Chenôve.

These gendarmes will be relayed from this Sunday, February 6 by another company the CRS 44 coming from Joigny and composed of 80 gendarmes. This company will remain until February 14 in the Dijon metropolis to prevent group phenomena and reassure the population.

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