a crowd of migrants mass at a border post with Poland

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2:16 p.m. : It’s time to take stock of the news:

• Minsk claims to work to bring “at their home” migrants camping on the border with Poland. The heads of diplomacy of the countries of the European Union are meeting in Brussels to adopt punitive measures. Follow our live.

The appeal trial of the former Prime Minister, his wife and his ex-deputy opened at the beginning of the afternoon in Paris in the case of the suspicion of fictitious jobs of Penelope Fillon. Here’s what you need to know about this audience.

The number of road deaths jumped by 14% in October in metropolitan France, compared to the same month of the year 2019, announces Road Safety.

In a column published in The world, nearly 300 left-wing politicians call on parties to “to rule out the perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence” of political life.

12:55 : The videos could not be independently verified because Poland denied journalists access to the immediate border area, under the rules of the state of emergency established there.

12h54 : According to Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Wasik, “thousands of migrants” are located at the Kuznica border crossing. “Polish forces are prepared for any scenario”, he stressed.

12:29 : Angela Merkel also asked Vladimir Putin to intervene with his ally to put an end to “the instrumentalization of migrants” by Belarus. But the Russians have rejected all responsibility by proposing “that talks be arranged directly between EU members and Minsk”, quotes the HuffPost.

12:29 : Hello . Russia is Belarus’ ally. Russian fighter jets notably flew over Belarusian territory and Moscow justified this as “reconnaissance flights”, explain The echoes. According to Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune, Russia is not “part of the problem” but has a capacity of influence on Minsk.

12:27 : What is the role of Russia in the migration crisis on the Polish border?

12:21 : A crowd of migrants is gathered at a closed border post between Poland and Belarus, according to video images released by border guards and the Polish army.

12:03 : Hop, a point on the news at midday:

The number of road deaths jumped by 14% in October in metropolitan France, compared to the same month of the year 2019, announces Road Safety.

Belarus is working “actively” to return home migrants camping on the border between his country and the EU, says Alexander Lukashenko. Follow our live.

• Météo France has placed the Var and the Alpes-Maritimes on orange alert due to the risk of strong winds. The gusts expected in the middle of the day will reach 100 to 120 km / h.

• A new search campaign for the body of Estelle Mouzin, alleged victim of serial killer Michel Fourniret in 2003, has started in Issancourt-et-Rumel, in the Ardennes. This is the eighth research of the girl’s body since June 2020.

10:19 a.m. : As a reminder, the EU accuses Minsk of having organized these migratory movements at its border with the EU, by issuing visas and chartering flights, in revenge for the Western sanctions imposed on the regime of Alexander Lukashenko the year last after the brutal repression of opponents.

10:18 am : Belarus is working “actively” to return home migrants camping on the border between his country and the European Union, said on Monday Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. “We are ready (…) to put them all on planes (…) but nobody wants to return”, he added.

10:14 am : Should Europe show humanity or firmness on the issue of migrants stuck at the Belarusian border? “The two”, replied Christophe Castaner on the set of “4 Vérités”. The president of the LREM group in the National Assembly deplored a “targeted attack, decided by the Belarusian head of state against Europe, with the will to make it give way”.

09:33 : Belarus does not want a conflict on its border with Poland because of the migration crisis, which would be “damaging, assures Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. EU foreign ministers are meeting today and must take sanctions against Minsk.

09:34 : “The urgency is to welcome these refugees who are dying in forests in abominable conditions.”

MEP EELV said to himself “bewildered” the level of the debate concerning the thousands of migrants trapped on the border between Poland and Belarus: “Our security is not in question [par] 4000 people who do not threaten anyone. “

09:14 : It is time to take a new look at the news:

• Wearing a mask is once again compulsory in elementary school throughout France, in order to stop the increase in Covid-19 contamination. It had been lifted before the All Saints holidays in 79 departments.

• Météo France has placed the Var and the Alpes-Maritimes on orange alert due to the risk of strong winds. The gusts expected in the middle of the day will reach 100 to 120 km / h.

The Iraqi government will organize a first repatriation flight for migrants originating from its soil and stranded on the border between Belarus and Poland “on a voluntary basis”.

Marine Le Pen was the guest of Franceinfo’s “Presidential Matins” between 7 am and 9 am. Find his interview in this direct.

08:46 : He did not specify how many people were going to board this Minsk-Baghdad flight. In contrast, Iraq “identified 571 Iraqis” stranded at the Polish-Belarusian border who said they were ready to return “voluntarily” Iraq, explained this spokesperson.

8:45 a.m. : The Iraqi government will organize a first repatriation flight for migrants originating from its soil and stranded on the border between Belarus and Poland “on a voluntary basis”, announced the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

07:36 : Does the candidate supported by the RN wish to leave the migrants “freezing to death”, as advocated by party spokesperson Julien Odoul? No, she assures, believing that we must leave the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees bring them “care” and some “food”.

07:31 : We must not give in to “blackmail” from Belarus, says Marine Le Pen. Westerners accuse Alexander Lukashenko’s regime of deliberately orchestrating the crisis by encouraging migrants to come to the country and then bringing them to the border.

07:31 : “Under no circumstances should the borders be opened.”

Marine Le Pen believes on franceinfo that “Europe is under siege”, while thousands of people from the Middle East are massed on the border between Belarus and Poland, hoping to be able to reach the European Union.

07:21 : Yesterday evening, the five candidates for the nomination of the Republicans for the presidential race competed in firmness on immigration, during a debate on BFMTV. Xavier Bertrand advocated a “30% drop in labor immigration” and promised to “divide family immigration by three”. Michel Barnier explained his “moratorium” intended for “put a stop to” immigration, while Valérie Pécresse pleaded for “cease automatic soil law” for children born in France.

07:23 : The European Union is ready to apply new sanctions against Belarus, as thousands of migrants from the Middle East camp on the border with Poland. Belarusian Foreign Minister warned that any sanctions against his country would be “hopeless” and “counterproductive”.

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