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Emmanuel Macron receives on the evening of Wednesday March 15, at the Elysee Palace, Élisabeth Borne and the ministers concerned by the reform. A centrist, Charles de Courson, is preparing a motion of censure to bring down the government. Update with journalist Hugo Capelli.
The Prime Minister will face a very delicate choice, Thursday March 16, with two possible options: “either the deputies vote for the pension reform, the government has a majority and the reform is adopted. Either for lack of majority the government can draw the famous article 49-3, but there is a risk: 49-3 means tabling of motions of censure by the opposition“, reports journalist Hugo Capelli, on the set of 20 Hours.
A motion to overthrow the government
A centrist, Charles de Courson, is also preparing a cross-partisan motion of censure to bring down the government. “For it to pass, an absolute majority is needed, ie 287 votes. The 149 votes of the left, the 88 votes of the National Rally, but also the 20 votes of independent and ultra-marine deputies. We would arrive at 257 votes. A few are still missing, so everything would rest on Les Républicains, who are 61“, continues the journalist. If it were to pass, the government would be overthrown. Emmanuel Macron could then rename Elisabeth Borne or dissolve the National Assembly.