a crisis unit to try to stop the violence


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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The President of the Republic, who returned from Brussels on Friday June 30, brought together an extraordinary crisis unit with the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior to try to stop the riots. Live from Place Beauvau in Paris, Guillaume Daret takes stock of the situation.

Friday, June 30, trams and buses will stop in Île-de-France at 9 p.m. and a new crisis unit is taking place at the Ministry of the Interior. A meeting chaired by Emmanuel Macron. 40,000 police officers were deployed yesterday, but that was not enough. The executive fears an escalation of violence in the coming days. “How to put an end to this escalation, this will be the subject of this crisis unit which will be held with the President of the Republic who has just returned from the European Council”explains journalist Guillaume Daret, live from Place Beauvau for 12/13.

Clashes for another week?

Emmanuel Macron expects this cell, the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior, to make him “new proposals to adapt and develop our security system in the coming hours”, he said. “Does this mean declaring a state of emergency, as demanded by part of the right and the far right, when mayors on the ground have already put in place curfews“, reports the journalist. A high-ranking source at the Ministry of the Interior assures that the intelligence services were not very optimistic, estimating that the clashes could last another week.

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