a crazy judicial week for Donald Trump


France 2

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Donald Trump is suspected of financial fraud within his empire, Trump Organization. He was heard for six hours by the New York prosecutor on Wednesday August 10.

Donald Trump walked out under police escort. His convoy left, Wednesday, August 10 in the afternoon, the office of the Attorney General of New York. No word from the former US president, who chose to remain silent for more than six hours of hearing. By arriving earlier on the spot, he invokes the fifth amendment of the constitution, which allows any litigant not to testify against himself. He denounced a witch hunt, a speech taken up by activists who came to encourage him.

Since 2019, the former president has been suspected of fraudulent valuation of assets within his Trump Organization to obtain better insurance compensation loans. The investigation is led by Letitia James, an elected Democrat who intends to apply the law or whatever it leads. Donald Trump joked about the sumptuous office of the magistrate, accused her of racism and denounced a “banana republic”. Legal troubles are mounting for the former president, two days after the search of his Florida home by the FBI.

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