The elected official from Manche affirms “that there is an essential concern for security and immigration” in Mayotte, where he has gone several times in recent years.
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“This is a courageous announcement”reacted Sunday February 11 on franceinfo the LR deputy for Manche Philippe Gosselin, after the announcement by Gérald Darmanin of a constitutional revision intended to eliminate land law in Mayotte.
Philippe Gosselin wants to testify to what he sees on the island where he was “Saturday morning” : “This is the fourth time I have gone there. I have seen the evolution of this territory over the past fifteen years. I affirm that there is an essential concern for security and immigration.”
According to the elected official, “Half of the population of Mayotte is of foreign and Comorian origin”what “embolizes the country, public services, hospitals, schools”. He demands “strong measures which will at least send a strong signal to the Comoros and to those who want to take advantage of the situation in Mayotte and to sectors in southern Africa”. “There is an emergency in Mayotte”says the MP.
“The Republicans are completely ready”
Gerald Darmanin “had a strong speech”, greets Philippe Gosselin. But “all of this still needs to be translated into action”alerts the deputy.
“There is a lot of distrust and questions among the population and among elected officials regarding these declarations.”
Philippe Gosselin, LR deputyat franceinfo
On the constitutional revision announced by Gérald Darmanin to remove land law in Mayotte, Philippe Gosselin ensures that LR deputies “will vote for it” : “We have been asking for this for many months already. We even tabled a text. Mansour Kamardine, who is an LR deputy for Mayotte, supports all these steps, so there is a necessity.” But he believes that it is necessary that “the majority also takes up this issue and sees it through to the end”. “In any case, the Republicans are completely ready”he assures.