The two suspects are a 34-year-old man, ex-boyfriend of the victim, and this man’s partner, a 38-year-old woman.
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A couple was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention after the death of a forty-year-old, the Evreux public prosecutor’s office announced on Friday April 26. The two suspects are a 34-year-old man, ex-boyfriend of the victim, and this man’s partner, a 38-year-old woman. The body of the victim, bearing numerous marks of blows, was discovered on April 19 in a Normandy village.
Alerted by colleagues of the victim, the emergency services found this man, aged 44, lying on the floor of the room he occupied at his grandfather’s house in Emanville (Eure), according to the public prosecutor of Evreux, Rémi Coutin. The body presented “numerous wounds clearly caused by the use of a bladed weapon” and traces of strangulation, he traced.
Questioned by the gendarmes, the victim’s grandfather and a tenant declared that they had heard on the night of April 17 to 18 “a lot of noise” on the floor where the victim was. The suspected man, already convicted of drug use and theft, admitted to having killed his former lover by stabbing him, hammering him and strangling him during a “fight”, however invoking self-defense. He was indicted for murder and his partner for complicity.