A couple in turmoil, the mayor of Montgiscard refuses to unite them… for better or for worse

Laetitia, 21, and Bassem, 27, have been in a relationship for 3 years. ” It was love at first sight “, they confided to our colleagues from La Dépêche. After several years of living together, they would like to be able to take a step forward. Unfortunately, one person seems to stand in the way of their happiness. ” The mayor of Montgiscard refuses to marry us “, they explain. It has been two years since they submitted their file, but a problem is blocking the process. Bassem is of Tunisian origin and does not have a residence permit.

The mayor made a report to the public prosecutor. From there, the floor has a choice. In our case, he decided to oppose the marriage. I asked for the release of the opposition, but the council chamber validated it “, specifies Me Assia Derbali, the couple’s lawyer.

“This is not a gray marriage”

If justice opposes the union of Laetitia and Bassem, the young man has finally obtained the release. ” We had a substantial file with a lot of photos, a lot of proof of common life to ensure that it was not a question of a gray marriage, that is to say intended to obtain papers “, adds Me Assia Derbali. Fortunately, the situation ended up improving and the two lovebirds can now organize the event of their dreams.

However, the mayor of the town of Montgiscard sticks to his positions and refuses to unite the lovers. The lawyer explains: I wrote to him and he answered me in a dry way. The Advocate General also sent him a registered letter, but nothing goes through. One has the impression of being faced with a sheriff in Montgiscard. “For their part, Laetitia and Bassem do not understand the reasons which push the mayor to act in this way. ” We never had a problem with him. Now we’re waiting for that, to get married “, indicated the duo in the columns of La Dépêche. It remains to be seen whether the couple will succeed in organizing a beautiful wedding…


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