a couple from the last season on the verge of breaking up? This “complicated” moment they went through

It is difficult to fall in love with a simple look, moreover the first. Of course, the show Married at first sight ensure that this is possible. After having done, of course, some research beforehand carried out by experts, so that the couple formed has every chance after the marriage. In the last season of Married at first sight, two couples managed to maintain the flame after their passage in the program. Pauline and Damien, as well as Alicia and Bruno. However, this last couple recently let it be known that they had lived through a complicated moment.

In reality, the hard time was felt even before the two lovers met. This is in any case what assured Bruno, present on the DKL radio in the company of his half, Alicia, a few days ago. “I learned about the compatibility in mid-June and I announced it to my parents at the end of June, beginning of July, so two weeks. Two weeks to think about, not to sleep. We wonder how they will take it, we make the film. Especially me, with a family of Portuguese origin very attached to traditions”he confided at first.

A hard time to pass

It was at the time of announcing it that the young man experienced a situation that would have greatly embarrassed him. Since his father would have him very “bad life”. “It was complicated for me”, he finally concludes. What about Alicia, the pretty blonde who tragically lost her sister in a serious car accident several years ago? She explains that she had to wait a very long time before informing her parents that she was getting married.

And this expectation would have been unbearable to believe his words. I got the announcement earlier so I had to wait a month and a half before telling my parents. It made me very, very bad to see them, to know that and not to tell them”admits the young woman before explaining that she was convinced that her parents suspected something: “I think they could see there was something wrong because I was stressed, I didn’t know how they were going to react. I was in a hurry and at the same time not in a rush”. On the other hand, unlike Bruno, the parents of the young woman would have taken it very well: “The day I told them I was getting married, they took it very well”.

See also: Married at first sight: Internet users in shock, Eddy reveals the whole truth about his failed wedding night


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